Thought #56. Fight like cat and dog.

Dear Reader,

How's it going? It's been ages since I've heard from you. I have to confess that your e-mail left me flabbergasted. I still remember when I told you about Sucre: your eyes out on stalks and you saying "Over my dead body my wife would ever bring home a pet". Anyway, I'm glad you have finally eaten humble pie. Ha ha ha.

The thing is that you are torn between a cat or a dog. This poses a genuine dilemma for you and your family. Don't get me wrong. First of all, owning a pet is a great idea but also takes a lot of time and effort. I'm sure that you would've already thought about it. What you may not know is that unlike cats, dogs do need to take loads of exercise.

If you want to have a healthy dog, be ready to get up early in the morning and start your day with a bracing walk. The first word that a dog learns is "street". They love going out. And how! Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's raining or not, they will never say no. Another long walk after work will do the trick most of the times.

Don't you want to know the best thing? When you come back weary from work, knowing full well that the dog will be waiting patiently, ready to cheer you up the moment you crossed the door. It just so happens that I recently read an article on whether cats or dogs love us more. It’s little wonder that dogs beat cats hands down. They have been testing the levels of oxytocin after having been playing along with dogs and cats. I'll send you an email with a link later.

When it comes to going to the vet, it doesn't make any difference. You must take them once a year to have them vaccinated. If a dog, you should also give them some drugs to deal with parasites, especially in summer.

The most important thing, though, is that a pet is a new family member. They deserve your attention and care as much as your children and your wife. They are creatures of routines and don't have a clue about your life outside home. For them, you're the most important thing and will bond with whoever they feel you like.

So, as you must have imagined. I would definitely go for a dog. A good and companionable friend that will never let you down and will always push you into a healthier way of life. A win-win deal! Soon you'll fight like cat and dog with your family for having your own time with your dearest pet.

See you soon,



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