Thought #21. Identity crisis.
What do people need to forge their own identities ? Is there any method (scientific or not) to know if you are on the verge of an identity crisis ? These are silly questions, perhaps? Identity is what makes a person (or a group) different from others. Our world is in dire need of finding common ground , and yet having your own identity might be more necessary than ever. Think about, for example, the political crisis that is facing the UK after the Brexit referendum. Are not the British struggling to understand their role in today’s world? However, I am far more interested in personal identity crisis. In my opinion, the only way we have to know who we are is by asking ourselves whether we are happy or not. Simple as this question seems, it is easier said than done . In fact, inquiring into yourself is one of the most difficult, repetitive and sometimes Herculean tasks you will ever have to undertake . It is an eternal referendum. In this referendum there are not win