Thought #29. The blinkered game.

A strange threesome, arranged along the picture, as if it were an unsolved puzzle, except that it is not.

A woman, dressed in blue and advanced in years, shows a scrawny physique. She tell us the story of a world marked by poverty and hunger, a world of social inequalities and gender disparities. She is not ill, she is a death-in-life symbol.

The little sign that says "tourist" indicates the presence of foreigners, probably wealthy visitors. In a global world where the plight of the poor is also a business, where only a part plays God over the rest, we cannot shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

The blinkered animal next to the woman. It unveils another dismal reality. For want of willingness to help others, the vast majority of us are incapable of understanding the boundaries between a sense of guilt (or the lack of it) and our own ability to contribute to improving the quality of life of hundreds of human beings.

A blinkered person usually features, amongst other characteristics, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, intolerance and tunnel vision. In my humble opinion, they represent the plight of the rich. Because underneath that external display, blinkered people are just insecure and ignorant.

If only we opened our eyes. If only we were not on another planet. But, I am hopeful.


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