Thought #26. Be all eyes.

Look around you. Things are objects, stuff, concepts, matters, affairs, facts, features, tasks, phobias, obsessions, remarks, possessions, equipment. People are people like your husband, your wife, your son, your grandmother, your archenemy, a stranger, yourself. And then there is your thing, your cup of tea, what floats your boat. Life is all about that but, what are the unique or essential components required to live a life?

As of April 2017, we are 7.5 billion people in the world. If you could ask them all the same question, each one would give you a different answer. Maybe that is precisely one of the characteristics that make us human, our ability to think independently.

Our planet Earth is suffering, struggling, fighting a losing battle. Our planet is finite and so are its resources. We must become aware that indefinite population growth is not an option. Experts have been raising concern about overpopulation for a long time. The reason is simple: it is the main cause of environmental pollution, mass unemployment, depletion of natural resources, severe poverty...  Yes, you may want to stop reading this post right now but, by depicting a dismal future, contrary to all your expectations, I would like to convey a message of hope.

One of best ways to contribute to a better future is by thinking ahead. It could be as easy as foreseeing any long-term problem and trying and doing our utmost to achieve sustainable development, once and for all. We have enough data to figure out what are the most urgent needs.

Try to type in "sustainable development" in your preferred search engine. If you are a lazy person, you can utter "Hey Siri" or "OK Google" and that should do the trick. The question is why we have not done anything yet.

The essential components for human life are water, air, food and adequate shelter. If we fail to take careful care of them, we are in big trouble. So, it is time to go and look for solutions. Rack your brains and contribute. We need to be wide awake. We ought to look around us but also ahead of us.


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